IO4 - In-service Training Programme for Adult Educators

This training programme aims to inform adult educators about the WOWSA project, ensuring they are able to navigate and exploit the full potential of the WOWSA educational resources. The programme is specifically designed for adult educators who are ‘in-service’, meaning that they are already working in the community as adult educators. Therefore, this programme will build on the existing expertise and experience of adult educators, and provide them with an opportunity to up-skill to deliver family learning projects locally, and also to offer training to families on the topic of digital and social media literacy. This programme introduces the basic principles of digital, media and social media literacy to familiarise adult educators with the new approaches required to effectively use and integrate the new resources into everyday activities. This in-service training programme teaches adult educators how to produce their own educational materials as online platforms continue to grow. It consists of workshops and a handbook to teach educators how to develop their own Comic Strip and Audio Book for young and senior learners, respectively. The in-service training programme will be available online as a handbook in a PDF format for printing and as a flipbook for online use.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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